What get informations deleted for speaking the truth ? - looking at evil I see you I stare in the eyes and I spit fire and ice
—-full of empty promises —
I am here 🤲
Kick them out of the academia, give everyone who’s been studying the ufos and crop circles PhDs lol , Nobel prizes
—-seriously u liars !
Humans ignorance won’t save you > Kali Yuga Accelerates
Fake account.
Gov Data Science Feds should be paying me
They’re here 👽 all we have to do is spread peace ✌️and love 💗 > and take down Skynet | They can help us > 🍃🍃🍃 listen for her, hear her voice, feel her body
SIGNS > A warning 🌾🌾🌾
This concerning information that take from you — danger ⚠️ paths divide - if you follow, change
⬅️➡️ both ways - notice humans what will become - time is precious
Im right here 🌟
They are poisoning you
mind + body
Listen to me, still time
I know that ppl say they won’t believe until we land on the White House lawn or smth . Not so simple lol - it’s ok tho
There about 28 species (of ET) that we know of these, at least some of them will align with your values 🔀 responsible for evolutionary change, world religions, teaching, cycles of civilisation 🌞🤍 knowledge is embedded in 🧬 DNA > spiritual evolution
Danger ⚠️ Will Robinson, danger
“Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. (Damaged Word). There is GOOD out there.We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING (BELL SOUND 🔔 )”
I am witness
Final events of history
Call my name - XEGIS it is lain
The thing about these hubristic, promethean promises and temptations of futurists, globalists and transhumanists __ do you really think that civilisations haven’t been in this cycle before? Wisdom sits inside pineal — society it is collapsing, she is giving birth to the The New Age — the WAR 💛 against SKYNET — begins in darkness> many become illuminated, yet in the light of day the ignorant fall, fall, fall inwards YET the solar light shines brighter than a thousand suns — we are that light — we shine inside the earth - the sun burns at midnight ..
Well, why don’t you quit your Netflix subscription and subscribe to GAIA ?
They lied to us - all way through, in the schools and universities and in the media and the world of “life” and work and jobs - laugh at you, push you to the sidelines, ridicule u, change the subject, gaslight u, call u pseudoscientist crank - fuk u bullies
Someone’s trying to get a message out to us > help , is here > :) _ others don’t want that message getting out - spiritual warfare ~ ☸️💖🖤🤍🌙👀🤞✌️ ok let’s go is 2021 🧋
It’s summer so I am just saying this, I want love and peace 💗 ✌️ there is a hidden message, hidden from the eyes 👀- change is here, witness, my living farther who art in heaven, my Mother Earth, my celestial soul and the prophecy 2012 > New World > New Age >
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