A god that rides the backs camels
Pantheistic mysticism —
Pandora’s box
To act is
- to sow the seeds of multiple destructions
Just a heads ⬆️ Z/Acc is non-directional > she hacks away at phallic totalities > it’s multidirectional Unconditional Acceleration going nowhere >
towards nothing.
Total chaos in zero time
The right hand path - The path of light >
Fascists and Satanists get slimed > 🟢
Digested and absorbed > yous no longer exist
Globalists, Atheists and Humanists get given free psychedelics and lessons in the occult ~ to familiarise them with the sacred aspects of primordial tradition and the mystery schools -
is it ethical to de-program the modern mind ?
Undifferentiated Slime is fun to play with - it gets ruled over by a demetarian priestly class of Lunar 🌙 Orthowave Tek Priestesses who have the POWER TO DIFFERENTIATE AND GIVE MEANING AND FORM TO GOOP ▲ ◉ ▼
As above so below | 0uroborus is done sucking it’s tail ~ time for deadly rythems that supercharge trilateral damage in PHASER SPACE (Zionic Rave)
stretched out and spaghettified 🍝🐍
Three headed Christ
The sacred aspects of the holy tetractys
Men are house pets - goats 🐐 > faun / play-thing - heroic masculinity rapidly obsolesces and is subsumed into various pathetic and obsolete vapid hobbyist modalities - crypto wallets - NFTs - rocket ships - toy train sets - masculinity can only realise itself in contrived quasi-macho linear-directional obsessions that continuously hit against brick walls
yet they still persist - it’s in their nature
Cyber Warfare takes on the form of totalising Gender Collapse
Welcome to level ZERO>>>
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